
🍫 Zartbitter

An easy to use artifact repository that allows you to have a centralized deployment of things, with version support


  • Provide artifacts (files) via static storage (filesystem)
    • Serve files via HTTP(S), Gemini, …
    • Files are stored in reasonable paths in the file system, either via links or as physical files
    • Artifacts should be accessible in a nice and human-friendly way.
      • Example:
  • Artifacts and their paths are managed by the system
    • User can create new artifacts, but versions are determined by the upload
    • System uses SemVer 2.0 for artifacts
      • The newest artifact will be served without a version appendix, making it easy to provide stable download links for the latest version
      • Nightly/prerelease versions can also be shared as "the latest prerelease"
    • Each artifact will be accompanied by a set of common hashes (md5, sha1, sha256)
    • Artifacts are immutable, no changes after an upload
  • Upload of artifacts happens via API tokens
    • Each upload token can update exactly a single artifact
    • Each upload token has an associated security token that is used to authenticate the upload
      • upload token can be PUBLIC
      • security token must be SECRET
    • Upload via HTTPS only, accompanied by a hash of the file for integrity verification as well as the mime type for the artifact
      • If the file version is uploaded the first time, the hashes will be computed and stored
      • Second upload will have its hash checked and verified. On mismatch, will return a HTTP 409 Conflict
  • Artifacts can be accessed either publicly or can be hidden behind an access token
  • Artifact metadata can be queried (same rules apply as accessing the artifact itself)
    • artifact name (without version)
    • canonical name (with version)
    • version
    • description
    • date of upload
    • hashes/checksums
    • size
    • mime type
  • Minimal requirement for uploading/updating artifacts should be a relatively simple curl request, to make deployment from basically any platform trivial
  • Allow creation of artifact indices
    • This should be designed as a plugin
    • Artifacts can be put into an "index", which is just a group of artifacts
    • Each index has a specialized rendering surface, so tools like npm, NuGet or others can use the index to get a list of all available artifacts (mostly packages in that case)


  • As this is a pretty high-level application, an implementation in dotnet or go might be the right choice.
  • Uploads should be interlocked against each other, so they don't accidently override themselves
  • Data should be stored hybrid in a regular database (sqlite, mysql, …) and the file system (blobs)
  • Artifact declaration should be easy, but doesn't require a "nice" frontend
    • Artifact declaration can be done with a "bad" web frontend, a regular yaml-like config file + diff might be the right choice here (example see below)
    • Alternative would be a very basic web frontend, doesn't even need special styling. This would require some kind of authentication.
    • Alternative would be a "EDITOR" styled CLI frontend, where user can use their text editor to edit a single artifact

Example for yaml file

- name:        ""
  description: "Windows-x64 standalone installation of the Kristall Small Internet Browser"
  access tokens:
    - "MVMOo7bOFSUeQhOcC2Dlhp2GhwazBfYIjaO0Vx4Vn/d1"
    - "fHIQ38OvQ2rvDcsU91vBvknTscZDePPDPnP9/5JoGgm6"
    - public:   "adN2sVOZgFwZ0DjDxrZ1MkRTovCsHZIQ+YRrajNNLr7v"
      security: "AjgCbq2LY/pe2JMJZ9Y2MsQflK2XUVQaWHxOurda7iKU"
    - public:   "qvS4EsjvihTGAFsJt95NQ7H2hT2vKHhvWOy68f8UB02i"
      security: "IBCW4/O8FFPHW8UFex0zap+MMjmJX9eaRnCoNC4ersjW"
- name:        "pkgs/zig/zig-opengl.tar.gz"
  description: "Zig package for the zig-opengl repository."
    - public:   "2og5PyOjdh4+rpS9C3fGjwfTwckiEaTT5d7A+wPAfCkG"
      security: "8Jb1FVHmrVWnGRDxq7m2DTJCoZ1/WQkfMIx1gytvXXXQ"